Thomas Ränke
Head of Business Development @ Spectrm
Brand identity is very important. You need to be memorable. Customers have to be able to connect with your brand personally to nurture a long lasting relationship. This drives more sales and increases loyalty.
Consistent branding across all channels increases revenue by up to 23%. Customers feel at home. Comfortable. They recognize you from one channel to the next.
It’s easy to miss the mark though. Brands blend into the market. How? By providing one to many interactions that don’t connect with who their customers are personally. And by not leveraging customer insights to reshape how they position themselves.
Here are some thoughts on how to leverage conversational marketing to improve cross-channel branding for better marketing performance and more meaningful relationships with customers.
1. Continuously refine your buyer persona using declared data, not assumptions.
Great branding isn’t about what you want. It’s about what your customers want. How closely your brand personifies what your customers want now or want for their future. A buyer persona helps you understand customers deeply and deliver personalized experiences. It is a personification of your ideal customer. Companies with documented personas are more likely to exceed lead and revenue goals.
This is an example of a buyer persona:
It has sections for the customer’s demographics, goals, frustrations, and motivations. It can also include any other key piece of information that allows you tailor marketing and messaging to them more accurately. While it’s easy to target customers with demographic information, better data on their goals and frustrations is very valuable when it comes to brand and marketing performance. It’s important to always refine your buyer persona in light of the feedback you get directly from your customers.
Customer behaviour and the segments you target are constantly evolving. Changing. Adapting. Your brand’s buyer personas have to change equally to continue delivering them experiences that resonate. This requires a constant stream of data.
Red Bull built a social messaging chatbot on Facebook with Spectrm to drive engagement and collect customer insights. They wanted to improve products and their marketing performance through extensive customer data. The chatbot helped Redbull increase audience size, engagement, and further develop an understanding of its customer base.
2. Leverage how your customers actually talk about your products and services
Branding and marketing shouldn’t be based on hunches or assumptions. Declared data is the highest quality source of this information. This is input customers explicitly give you. They tell you what they like. What they don’t like. Why they’re shopping with your brand.
Consumers want to connect with likeminded brands. If your values and how you communicate are different than theirs, it won’t captivate them. 72% of consumers only engage with marketing messages that are tailored to their personal interests.
The best source of declared data is collected from conversational marketing chatbots. This enables you to tailor product recommendations, messaging, and activates a brand to understand how customers actually speak. Not how you think they speak. Customer-centric language can be implemented onto ads, landing pages, and social channels to increase conversions and engagement.
3. Use chatbots to have personalized one to one conversational experiences that add value for your customers
Once you have identified where your customers are, you can begin interacting with them on a one to one basis. A conversational marketing chatbot is the most effective tool for this. It allows you to offer meaningful customer interactions that are genuine, customized, and fun.
It’s also a simple but effective way to stand out. Customers crave authentic brands. Ones that care about them. 48% of consumers say the first purchase or interaction with a brand is the best time to earn their loyalty.
Conversational chatbots give customers a seamless and natural experience that satisfies their purchasing intent. Consumers are more impatient and demanding than ever. They demand instant and effortless shopping experiences they can access 24/7 every day of the year. That’s the kind of shopping experience only an automated one-to-one conversation can deliver.
The mattress retailer Purple developed a “Mattress Finder” built with Spectrm to help prospects discover the best product for their specific sleep preferences while learning more about the brand. This provided a customized interaction that opened a new marketing channel, resulted in 4x return on ad spend and accelerated their purchase journey for high average order value items.
The conversation element of display ads helps us reach customers in a noisy, competitive environment. We are always looking for how we can rise above banner blindness and I think Conversational Display Ads is something really unique.
Rob Towne | Director of Performance Marketing
4. Re-target customers on multiple channels with greater accuracy
Re-targeting consumers who visit your website or social channel isn’t only used for generating sales but is excellent for brand awareness too. It keeps you on their radar. They don’t forget you. There are 5–7 touchpoints before a consumer remembers a brand. This usually only involves a single interaction with your brand at each touchpoint. Marketing chatbots are capable of creating 5-7 brand interactions within the first touchpoint by answering questions and providing recommendations. This helps move your customers faster through your marketing funnel. From discovery to consideration to action. All in one conversational touchpoint.
The declared data from conversational chatbots can also be used to send personal retargeting messages at scale on messaging apps like Facebook Messenger or Instagram Direct Messenger. These intimate messages are personalized based on the interactions the customer had with your brand and appear on phone lock-screens for mobile-native engagement.
It’s also important to drive qualified traffic to very specific pages on your website when remarketing. You can then segment users based on which pages they visited and how they interacted with them when retargeting. How you speak and what you offer to someone that went to a product page is different than a customer who has already converted for example.
Ford boosted favorability, increased purchase intent, and generated leads for their Ford Ranger model with a conversational assistant built with Spectrm. They were the first advertiser to create a conversational display ad campaign in Thailand.
They developed a conversation display ad campaign with Spectrm to educate potential buyers about the benefits of the Ranger in a personalized way at scale. Ford also wanted an innovative way to stand out among the increased competition in Thailand. The assistant customized the conversation flow based on users’ preferences and led to different micro-conversions.
The conversational ad quickly moved customers from the awareness stage to action in a single interaction. The first conversation introduced the Ford Ranger and what it’s capable of doing to attract initial interest.
Next, customers were educated about specific features based on their input and given relevant content to understand the value of the Ford Ranger model.
Lastly, customers interested in learning more were presented with options to view Ford’s offer, get more details, and test drive the Ranger.
Ford increased brand consideration by 54% and purchase intent by 38%. Both of which are higher than the automotive industry benchmark. Cost per micro-conversion reduced by 40% compared to Ford’s benchmark. Ford continued to roll out more conversational assistants and conversational display ads due to the success of the campaign.
Final thoughts on cross-channel branding
Branding can drive a tangible return on investment. It’s not simply your logo and visual identity. It’s essential to refine and update branding across all channels to maximize conversions and revenue. You can also create meaningful and fun interactions for customers by reshaping your brand to connect with them more profoundly.
Begin by documenting a buyer persona. This is a personification of your ideal customer. It includes their demographics, questions, values, and pain points. But don’t keep it static. Use conversational marketing intelligence to continually update it as you collect declared data from customers.
One to one conversations also help you grasp how customers talk about your products. Not how you assume they do. This language can be used in future conversations, on product pages, and on social channels to captivate likeminded consumers and drive sales.
Retarget customers who visit specific pages and interact with your brand as well. Stay on their radar. Send personalized messages and offers at scale with declared data collected from conversational marketing chatbots.
Improving cross-channel branding to create a meaningful impact on customer interactions relies on conversational intelligence. Get in touch with us today to learn how Spectrm’s conversational marketing platform can grow your brand with chatbot technology.